Security 101- Online security workshop

Due to our current situation with COVID-19 we will be hosting a  security 101 workshop covering online security on the  07/04/2020 from 19.00 to 20.30.  We’ll be looking at encrypting your network traffic with a VPN, browsing safely and how to lock down your social media.

Why this matters

The government has unleashed “the most draconian powers in peace-time Britain”. The Coronavirus bill will have an impact on our lives and our society. Safe guards have been weakened on mass surveillance powers and the state is preparing for a mass repression wave against all social movements and our communities.

Our activity online is regularly monitored and this information is used to profile us. Our first workshop is designed to help develop your self defence skills against online surveillance that can lead to offline police surveillance and harassment.

We’ll cover

Introduction – COVID-19 surveillance excuses and new policing powers

Did Police spy on Black Lives Matter?

Protecting yourself on social networks

Choosing a VPN that’s right for you

Web browsing security – Brave, Tor, tails and more

What should I know about encryption?

What you need

Yourself and a computer, tablet or mobile

Our classes are open to everyone involved in the fight for a better world a webex meeting link and audio bridge will be provided on the day of the event. We can be contacted at




Witness call out Dewsbury October 2019

Antifascists need our solidarity, support, and help. Did anyone who attended Kirklees Antifascist Assembly counter-demonstration to the Yorkshire Patriots in Dewsbury October 12th, 2019,  film, or see, any of the arrests of antifascists in the marketplace that day?  you can reach us at  Thanks to Green and Black Cross for their help.

One of the antifascists in question has been targeted by the police for over 2 years due to their resilience and determination in the fight against fascism and refusal to bow down to pressure from corrupt officers.

This dragnet of harassment has extended to 3 different forces and appears to many to be a police vendetta.  Antifascists like environmentalists are often targeted by the police who attempt to isolate them from their comrades.

Now more than ever it’s important we fight back against police abuse and brutality. We stand in solidarity with all those targeted by the state. We cop watch.




In 2019 and beyond police repression must be resisted.

We’re going to update our blog a lot more regularly than before. With the assistance of Facebook, it seems that we are being targeted by we suspect Avon and Somerset police and on a larger playing field the state as a whole for our stance on surveillance and police harassment.

Our Facebook page is currently under review however, not to be stopped we intend to get a new page up and running if we fail to be given access to our current one. The corruption and cowardice of the officers involved in the harassment is breathtaking.

We intend to expose them and ensure they are unable to target any individual or movement they deem to be “anarchist” or “anti-fascist” or anyone they have a problem with ever again.From the harassment experienced by Ras Judah due to his fight against the state to the “badger hunt” of 2014, it’s clear little has changed. We are coming for them.

download (1)

We are due to launch an Instagram account to record instances of police abuse and harassment locally and on demonstrations. We understand that Instagram is run by Facebook and so we are aware of the risks associated however the reach of the platform is not underestimated. You can also find us on Twitter where we are still building a following.

We’ve worked with Privacy International, Bristol Defendant Solidarity and other groups including the Open Rights Group whilst developing relationships with surveillance and legal experts such as DPG Law.

We’ve held small events to shine light on police surveillance technology and discuss how we can fight back in our communities and we’ve attended demonstrations and reported back on police abuse and tactics. In 2020 we continue the fight and this repression does nothing to silence our voices online or offline.

repression in Bristol is sadly not new  and is commonplace across the UK and Europe. Like many of our comrades, this only adds fuel to our fire. We wish all of you a strong and dissent filled Christmas and New year. We’ll see you in 2020 and intend to begin the year with a cop watch meeting. You can reach us at And to the state cowards and their fascist grasses who have tried to slow us down. We have one thing to say to you. We are watching. and we are everywhere.




Cop watching.

As summer approaches we’re thinking about getting organized and getting out on the streets! In late 2018 we had a round table discussion with Scarlet Kim from Privacy International and representatives from other local groups and activists concerned about police abuse on a local level. Of course, we discussed all things surveillance but it was good to see that others present felt the same as us about defending their local communities from often outright racist and prejudiced police.


Fast forwarding to May 2019, it’s good to know that locally we are acknowledging the need for organized cop watches in targeted communities in Bristol and have noted with concern the increasingly right wing, aggressive and authoritarian stance of the police locally towards anyone they deem to be different from them or whom they feel they can bully without accountability. If it’s not people of colour here it’s the homeless who primarily seem to feel the sharp end of police abuse in the city.

It’s time we took a stand and taught each other that police should not just be fought back against locally it should be shouted about, shared and discussed so that the pressure we put on the police becomes too much for the power abusers to bear! We thought we’d include this link from the awesome CrimethInc on how to fuck the police 

We hope this insightful guide into community monitoring of the police gives you some inspiration for the months ahead. Look out for more information on local Copwatch meetings on our Facebook page soon. Get involved, get organized and get active! #wecopwatch



Fight back against surveillance with Privacy International


On April the 25th we welcome back Privacy International, DPG Law and guests to the awesome Base for an evening discussing state repression, surveillance of activists and new policing technologies
and how we can work together to fight back against an increasingly Orwellian and authoritarian police force and state.

Antonella Napolitano – Privacy International – Surveillance update / Community control of police surveillance – first steps
Antonella’s expertise has a focus on human rights and the impact of technology on society.

Resist – repression waves and targeting of activists -how we fight back / overt and covert surveillance – know the difference

Amalia King – DPG Law – know your rights – an activists guide

Special guests – TBC

Our events are always free but we welcome donations.
We’d prefer no photography to respect people’s privacy

light refreshments are available on the day

Look out for our state of surveillance report on our blog later this month!